The world's most current, most complete and most comprehensive catalog on polymer banknotes contains:

- An updated format and expanded descriptions, including larger text for easier reading.

- A general introduction to and general information on polymer banknotes, their history, types, varieties, etc.

- 218 pages of detailed listings (and illustrations) of all issued polymer banknotes issued and announced through July 2021.

- 64 pages of detailed listings (and illustrations) of all known/available numismatic products issued and announced through July 2021.

- 54 pages of detailed listings (and illustrations) of test and promotion notes.

- Current valuations.

- Hybrid banknotes are not contained in the catalog.


The price (€42.00) consists of the €35.00 catalog price and a €7.00 shipping surcharge (due to extra weight, the package weighs almost 2 kg), to which our usual shipping fee will be added at check-out, depending on your destination and service chosen. 

For additional information and for dealer orders, please contact Melody Wu, PBN Sales Manager, at orders@polymernotes.org

Price: 42,00 €